Does it stay or does it go? Knowing when to extract the tooth and how to succeed at it.

Presented by Roseline Lorrain, DVM, Dipl. AVDC

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. What should a veterinarian use to be successful in their extraction cases? *
2. What can increase the level of difficulty when extracting a mandibular first molar? *
3. What should you avoid when extracting a tooth? *
4. Regarding devitalized teeth, which statement is false? *
5. Regarding tooth resorption, which statement is true? *
6. When performing a canine tooth extraction on a cat with alveolar osteitis, which technique should be avoided? *
7. Regarding retained tooth roots after extraction, which statement is true? *
8. True or false. A root tip pick, a 1.3 mm luxator type elevator and an 18 G needle are all good tools to help you with root fragment extraction. *
9. Which technique should not be used to extract the root fragments? *
10. Regarding tooth extraction and root fragments, which of these statements is false? *