Empathy for itch: Dermatology is tough, communication can be harder

Presented by Jennie Tait, RVT, VTS (dermatology), Meghan Solc, DVM, Dipl. ACVD, Jen Willans, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (canine/feline), Amanda Adamiak, HVT

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. In a veterinary practice, who is the most important person to create a bond with a pet owner dealing with an itchy pet? *
2. What would be a behaviour to avoid when facing a frustrated pet owner coming into a veterinary practice? *
3. To set up pet owners for success, we should: *
4. True or False. We should discuss possible underlying allergic diseases as soon as an animal is being presented with their first ear infection. *
5. To help pet owners dealing with an allergic animal, we should: *
6. When speaking to a client who is feeling frustrated or emotionally fatigued in their pet’s dermatological journey, what is the best approach to help them refocus and stay on track? *
7. What is the goal of the Empathy for Itch Campaign? *
8. When a pet is presented with challenging dermatological issues this can be frustrating for: *
9. Good dermatology communication is important because: *
10. Over the last year, the way in which we communicate with our clients has changed. What is the best method to communicate to pet owners in these circumstances? *