Ending pet obesity: A national survey review

Presented by Susan Little, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (feline practice), Jason Coe, DVM, PhD, Robin Saar, RVT, VTS (nutrition)

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. One tool that helps show owners what an ideal body condition looks like for their dog is: *
2. What benefits may telemedicine provide for the ongoing monitoring of weight loss in a patient? *
3. One of the most efficient tactics to convince owners to follow a weight-loss plan for their dog or cat is: *
4. True or False. Research in veterinary medicine suggests that taking a relationship-centred communication style with clients is more likely to achieve client adherence to a recommendation than a veterinarian-centred approach. *
5. Which of the following questions or statements is likely to be most effective at gathering nutritional information from a client? *
6. After gathering a comprehensive history, which of the following was recommended as the first step to engaging a client in discussing their pet’s weight? *
7. Which of the following diseases is associated with obesity in cats? *
8. Which of the following choices is NOT part of the Stages of Change model? *
9. When is the best time to have an owner fill out a diet history questionnaire? *
10. True or False. From the survey done before the webcast, a large majority of respondents are very satisfied with the success of their weight-loss programs. *