It’s not just “chonk”! Taking obesity and overweightness seriously in cats and dogs

Presented by Jackie Parr, BScH, DVM, MSc, Dipl. ACVIM (nutrition)

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. What is the prevalence of overconditioned dogs based on the 2018 survey data presented? *
2. What is the prevalence of overconditioned cats based on the 2018 survey data presented? *
3. The 9-point body condition score (BCS) scale is the scale recommended in the Global Pet Obesity Initiative Position Statement. *
4. BCS from 7–9 out of 9 are considered obese and a score of 6 out of 9 is considered overweight based on the Global Pet Obesity Initiative Position Statement. *
5. In the life span study in Labrador retrievers, how many more calories did the dogs with a BCS of 6–7 receive vs. the BCS of dogs with a score of 4–5? *
6. Weight bias in human medicine is defined as, “negative attitudes toward individuals affected by excess weight or obesity that can lead to subtle and overt forms of discrimination.” *
7. In the research presented by Sutherland et al. (2022), what was the median time veterinarians in general practice spent discussing nutrition? *
8. In the research presented by Sutherland et al. (2022), what was the median time veterinarians in general practice spent discussing pet weight? *
9. In the research presented by Sutherland et al. (2022), what percent of obesity-related interactions included a weight loss recommendation for the pet? *
10. In the study by German et al. (2010) up to what percent overestimation in portion size was found when measuring dry pet food with a measuring cup? *