Let’s talk about VTS

Presented by Mara Anderson, RVT, VTS (anesthesia/analgesia), Natasha Ford, RVT (aspiring VTS)

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. Where do you find valid information on becoming a VTS? *
2. How many options are there in pursuing a VTS? *
3. Choose the correct order for the application process in attaining a VTS. *
4. True or False. There are VTS options that can be obtained within general practice. *
5. What is the main bulk of work required in the anesthesia & analgesia VTS application? *
6. True or false. One of the most challenging parts of completing the case logs is condensing large amounts of information from an entire case into a few lines and having it all make sense. *
7. What is the knowledge graph, and how does it pertain to the VTS process? *
8. Who should you include in your support network while working on your VTS? *