The dermatology diagnostic dilemma: Is food or environment to blame?

Presented by Stephen Waisglass, BSc, DVM, CerSAD, Dipl. ACVD

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. Which of the following statements concerning the diagnosis of cutaneous adverse food reactions (CAFR) in dogs and cats is TRUE? *
2. True or false? Food allergies in dogs can be distinguished from environmental allergies based on the affected sites: dogs with food allergies are affected at the ears, backside and paws, while environmental allergies do not affect those sites. *
3. The prevalence of adverse food reactions in dogs with allergic skin disease is approximately: *
4. True or false? All dogs and cats with adverse food reactions will exhibit clinical signs before 5 years of age. *
5. Which of the following is COMMON in a pet with environmental allergies? *
6. True or false? Dogs with adverse food reactions may present with otitis externa as the only clinical sign. *
7. To diagnose adverse food reactions with more than 90% accuracy, elimination diets should last at least: *
8. True or false? Cytopoint or Apoquel have a place when conducting a food trial if the timing of treatment is well controlled. *
9. Which of the following is NOT a hypersensitivity reaction pattern in the cat? *
10. Which of the following is TRUE about Apoquel and Cytopoint? *