The mystery of the allergic cat!

Presented by Frédéric Sauvé, DVM, MSc, DES, Dipl. ACVD

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. Which of these clinical presentations is a common presentation for cutaneous food adverse reactions in cats: *
2. What is the most likely diagnosis of an outdoor cat with an acute and pruritic nasal dermatitis (papules, crusts, erosions) without other lesions on the body? *
3. Why is the term “feline atopic syndrome” used rather than “feline atopic dermatitis”? *
4. Regarding the pruritic cat: *
5. True or false. Feline atopic syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion. *
6. What type of hypersensitivity is mainly targeted by commercial diets containing hydrolyzed proteins? *
7. A cat suffering from a cutaneous food adverse reaction is fed a commercial diet containing a novel source of protein. Which of the following statements is FALSE? *
8. True or false. Allergen immunotherapy is the only therapy with the potential to cure feline atopic syndrome. *
9. Which of these treatments is approved for the control of allergic dermatitis in cats? *
10. The major allergen produced by cats and that causes allergic reactions in people is: *