The unique challenge of dental care in small breed dogs

Presented by Brook Niemiec, DVM, Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC, FAVD

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. What is the first clinical sign of periodontal disease? *
2. What are possible systemic consequences of periodontal disease? *
3. What local consequences of periodontal disease are small dogs more prone to? *
4. What is the cause of periodontal disease? *
5. Current studies show that ___% of dogs have some level of gum disease at 1 year of age? *
6. What is the most important step of a professional dental cleaning? *
7. What is the most important aspect of an effective passive homecare product? *
8. What is a reason that we do not recommend non-anesthesia dentistry? *
9. Why do small dogs get more periodontal disease than larger breeds? *
10. What depth of pocket requires periodontal flap surgery or extraction for infection control? *