To PU or not to PU? That is the question. Cats and FLUTD

Presented by Serge Chalhoub, BSc, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM (SAIM)

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. What is the most common cause of FLUTD in cats? *
2. Based on the pathophysiology of FIC, choose the most accurate statement: *
3. In acute urethral obstructions in male cats, which of the following treatment has been shown to help reduce immediate recurrence? *
4. What therapeutic strategy is most likely to help prevent further FIC episodes? *
5. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding perineal urethrostomy? *
6. Which statement below is most accurate regarding urocystoliths in cats? *
7. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the management of a urethral obstruction in a male cat? *
8. Clinical signs tend to resolve in most cats with FIC in: *
9. Which of the following therapies is not likely to help prevent further FIC episodes? *
10. In terms of UTIs, which of the following statements is most accurate? *