Vaccines are for life. Developing preventive vaccine protocols that get cats back into the clinic

Presented by Kelly St. Denis, MSc, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (feline)

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. Which of the following is not a lifestyle risk factor that needs to be considered when developing a vaccine protocol for an individual cat? *
2. The core vaccinations for kittens and cats under 2 years of age are: *
3. Maternally derived immunity (MDI): *
4. FeLV vaccine is a core vaccination for kittens because: *
5. In cases where kittens miss a booster in their vaccine series, the series will need to be restarted: *
6. Which of the following does not apply. Indoor cats are at risk of certain infectious agents via: *
7. Cats over 10 years of age that have received vaccinations consistently throughout their lifetime: *
8. Cats testing positive for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV): *
9. Vaccination of cats with chronic disease: *
10. Vaccination of a stray adult cat should: *