Striving for work-life balance: Making this resolution a reality

Presented by Marie Holowaychuk, DVM, Dipl. ACVECC, CYT

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. Work-life imbalance is characterized by feeling each of the following except: *
2. Leaving work early to meet a friend and then finishing work tasks at home is an example of work-life: *
3. Debriefing requires: *
4. Spending time on call can be helped by each of the following except: *
5. Activities that are draining and prioritized by others are referred to as: *
6. Rewarding work such as learning a new skill that will benefit your practice is: *
7. Unhealthy boundaries are indicated by each of the following feelings except: *
8. When faced with a new request, it is best to: *
9. According to the Eisenhower box used to prioritize tasks, which tasks should be delegated? *
10. Improving productivity and efficient use of time can be achieved by removing: *