Tips and tools to facilitate nutritional conversations

Presented by Martha G. Cline, DMV, Dipl. ACVIM (nutrition)

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. True or False. An excellent resource for weight management is the 2021 American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats. T or F. *
2. Fundamentals of a nutritional assessment include: *
3. True or False. In these weight management guidelines, it’s recommended to use a 9-point scale for body condition scoring. *
4. True or False. In the same guidelines, it’s recommended to use mild, moderate and severe as measurements for muscle condition scoring for dogs and cats. *
5. The components of a comprehensive nutrition history include: *
6. Which of the following opens up the nutrition conversation? *
7. Barriers for veterinarians to exchange nutritional information with clients include: *
8. True or False. Making clients part of the decision-making process increases client concerns about financial motivations behind a recommendation. *
9. According to a 2017 study by Vandendriessche VL et al., what % of dog owners reported receiving dietary information from their regular veterinarian? *
10. Clients who received clear healthcare recommendations were ___ times more likely to adhere versus clients receiving ambiguous recommendations. *