Canine cardiology: From the basics to what's new

Présenté par Danny Joffe, D.M.V., Dipl. ABVP (pratique canine et féline)

Questionnaire de formation continue

Crédit de formation continue : 1



1. With respect to heart murmurs in dogs, which of the following is correct? *
2. When staging heart disease, which of the following is false? *
3. With respect to diagnostics used during heart disease staging, which of the following is false? *
4. When developing a treatment plan for a newly-diagnosed dog in Stage C, published data definitively supports Vetmedin as first-line foundational treatment. *
5. Owner involvement is a key component to managing heart disease in dogs. With respect to resting respiratory rate (RRR), which of the following is true? *
6. When deciding the right time to initiate treatment and the therapeutic(s) to be used, which of the following statements is false? *