Canine osteoarthritis: How we can work together to simplify a complex problem

Presented by Tom Gibson, BSc, BEd, DVM, Dipl. ACVS

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. Please select the most accurate statement(s) form the list below: *
2. OA can lead to unrecognized chronic pain in our small animal patients. Which of the following statements are true? *
3. Not all treatments commonly used to manage OA in dogs are supported by robust scientific research. Please select the treatment(s) that are well supported by research for use in treating canine osteoarthritis. *
4. Leptin, a peptide hormone, has received much attention in attempts to understand the relationship between obesity and OA in humans. Please choose the correct answer(s) from these statements about leptin. *
5. The Kealy Lifespan Study revealed that: *
6. Please choose the BEST point to discuss with clients who comes to the clinic with an overweight pet: *
7. Which statement is true? *
8. Which statement regarding OA is true? *
9. Choose the correct statement(s) related to nerve growth factor (NGF) *
10. The advantages of Anti-NGF monoclonal antibody therapy include: *