Creating a cat-friendly experience with feline synthetic pheromones

Présenté par Kelly St. Denis, M. Sc., D.M.V., Dipl. ABVP (pratique féline)

Questionnaire de formation continue

Crédit de formation continue : 1



1. Which statement is true? *
2. The best method for caregivers to get cats into carriers is to: *
3. One part of creating a cat friendly reception area is to: *
4. To help cats cope with their fear/anxiety, we should be ready to: *
5. Cat friendly interactions resulted in: *
6. Wards and ICU cages are best arranged: *
7. Cats experience emotional frustration if: *
8. Stress stacking: *
9. Most treatment areas in veterinary hospitals: *
10. Engaging emotions can be improved with: *