“Do I really have to bathe my cat?”: Dermatopical use and client compliance

Présenté par Charlie Pye, B. Sc., D.M.V., D. Sc. V., Dipl. ACVD

Questionnaire de formation continue

Crédit de formation continue : 1



1. Which of the following is NOT a commonly perceived barrier to dermatopical use? *
2. True or false. When bathing a pet, clients should be instructed to use very hot water. *
3. Which of the following is a benefit of topical therapy? *
4. Barrier repair has been shown to: *
5. True or false. Current clinical consensus guidelines recommend systemic antibiotics as a first-line treatment for any surface or superficial bacterial pyoderma. *
6. Which of the following ingredients would NOT be effective against cocci bacteria on the skin? *
7. Which of the following would NOT be an effective treatment for immediate relief of an acute atopic flare? *
8. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the skin of an atopic individual? *
9. True or false. Barrier repair can be used to prevent infection on the skin. *
10. Which of the following topical steroids has the most rapid relative skin absorption level? *