Individualized nutrition

Présenté par Erico Ribeiro, M.V., M. Sc., Ph. D., candidat au D.Sc.V. (Département des études cliniques), résident à l’ECVCN

Questionnaire de formation continue

Crédit de formation continue : 1



1. What factor can influence an animal’s daily energy requirements (DER)? *
2. True or False. Regarding the use of equations for DER calculation, it’s possible that a patient’s true DER can be 50% lower or higher than the estimated calories. *
3. What necessary information needs to be included in the diet history for a proper nutritional assessment? *
4. Considering the patient’s BCS, it is true that: *
5. What are some of the limitations of not adjusting the DER based on the patient’s BCS? *
6. What are the risks associated with feeding more than 10% of the DER from foods that are not complete and balanced? *
7. How can you identify a patient with a DER lower than average? *
8. Depending on the patient’s condition, the EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) content of the diet: *
9. What are some of the limitations of using a nutritional supplement? *
10. What would be the best recommendation for feeding a puppy? *