Maximizing laboratory diagnostics: clinical cases with surprising results

Présenté par Holly Brown, D.M.V., Ph. D., Dipl. ACVP, Jessica Wilson-Hess, M. S., TSAc (spécialisée en médecine interne des animaux de compagnie)

Questionnaire de formation continue

Crédit de formation continue : 1



1. Which of the following provides the most objective assessment of a patient’s health? *
2. Which of the following is NOT a differential rule out for dark red pigmenturia? *
3. True or False. New methylene blue stain is used to identify reticulocytes and Heinz bodies. *
4. Which of the following is NOT an oxidant that could result in development of Heinz body anemia? *
5. Which of the following is NOT a variable to consider with a reported hypercalcemia? *
6. True or False. Protein-bound calcium is the biologically active and hormonally controlled portion of total calcium. *
7. True or False. Decreased PTHrP is supportive of hypercalcemia of malignancy *
8. What is considered a stress leukogram attributed to increased glucocorticoids? *
9. Which cell type is considered the hallmark of inflammation? *
10. Toxic change noted on microscopic blood film review indicates: *