Don’t just aspire... acquire! Owning who you are. Being what you want

Presented by Senani Ratnayake, BSc, RVT

Continuing education questionnaire

CE credit: 1



1. Thinking about what you want people to say about you when you’re not in the room is an example of: *
2. It’s important to think about what you are worried people will say about you when you leave the room so that: *
3. True or False. You already have a personal brand. *
4. When you reflect your brand, it means you are: *
5. To aspire means to: *
6. To acquire means to: *
7. True or False. Aspiring is more important than acquiring when it comes to skills and character traits. *
8. Acquiring applies to: *
9. Your sense of identity____________________ *
10. True or False. It’s more important to look out for yourself than for your team to look out for each other. *
11. In the matter of LinkedIn: *
12. In the matter of Facebook: *
13. True or False. Leadership traits are only important if you plan on being a manager someday. *
14. True or False. What matters is how you show up for others, mentor others, advocate for yourself and treat others, not simply that you do. *
15. Select the inaccurate statement: *